Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

mo ngobrol gratis ma pacar?

mo ngobrol gratis ma pacar ? atau mau face to face? coba aja ni skype, asal sinyal modem kamu kuat trus g bakal putus deh ngobrolnya he3, biasanya kan tiap detik, tiap menit, ataupun tiap jam klo g hub sang pacar kan gak enak rasanya ya kan ? pas mau hub eh malah pulsa abis atau takut pulsa abis he3, bagi kamu2 mahasiswa yang mau ngirit dikit meskipun punya pacar, mungkin saya bisa bantu dikit ngobrol gratis tinggal daftarkan data diri anda dan juga pasangan anda , tra la...la.... bisa deh ngorol lewat laptop ... he3. untuk kamu yang belum punya software skype nih aku dah siapin buat kamu2 semua, its free brow he3 ... klik disini

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

jika anda ingin sedikit senang dengan berinternet dengan cepat tapi curang, maka cobalahttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=5557087620875195272h software ini, klik disini

cara setting samba

 root@ubuntu:/home# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
ketikkan tulisan ini pada paling bawah
                Comment = Samba Server
                Path = /home/share
                Browseable = yes
                Guest ok = yes
                Read only = no
Setelah itu di simpan = tekan ctrl+x   Ã  tekan tombol y  à tekan enter
Setelah itu ketik
root@ubuntu:/home# chmod 777 (fungsinya untuk permision)

selanjutnya restart samba
root@ubuntu:/home# /etc/init.d/smbd restart

selanjutnya buat directory untuk tempat sharing
root@ubuntu:/home# mkdir share

samba bisa di gunakan

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

this my university logon

Game Ranjau

package uts_game_kelas_c;

// The "MinesweeperNew" class.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class GameRanjau extends Applet implements MouseListener
    Button table[] [];      //Array of Buttons
    boolean bomb[] [];      //array true if bomb is present on button [x][y]
    boolean flag[] [];      //array true if flag is present at button [x][y]
    boolean exposed[] [];   //used for exposing 0's. If true then a 0 has been exposed
    boolean checkwinbool[] [];  // if [x][y] = true then the button has a number on it or it is a bomb (used for checking if game is over)
    int count = 0, bombsremaining;          //counting the number of bombs placed
    String surbombs;        //number of bombs surrounding button [x][y] (is a string so that we can setLabel for the button)
    int randx, randy;       //random ints for bombs
    int row = 16, col = 30, numbombs = 99, Setup = 3; //number of rows columns, and bombs
    int sizex = 780, sizey = 492;
    Font font;
    Panel P, P2, PB, P3;
    Label Bombs, TimeRemaning, NG;
    Button RestartE, RestartM, RestartH;
    GridLayout gl;
    public void init ()
                setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
                gl = new GridLayout (row, col);
                P = new Panel (gl);
                font = new Font ("ComicSans", Font.BOLD, 17);
                setFont (font);
                P2 = new Panel (new BorderLayout ());
                P3 = new Panel ();
                TimeRemaning = new Label ("");
                NG = new Label ("New Game");
                RestartE = new Button ("Easy");
                RestartE.addMouseListener (this);
                RestartM = new Button ("Medium");
                RestartM.addMouseListener (this);
                RestartH = new Button ("Hard");
                RestartH.addMouseListener (this);
                PB = new Panel ();
                bombsremaining = numbombs;
                Bombs = new Label (Integer.toString (bombsremaining));
                table = new Button [row] [col];
                bomb = new boolean [row] [col];
                flag = new boolean [row] [col];
                exposed = new boolean [row] [col];
                checkwinbool = new boolean [row] [col];
                for (int x = 0 ; x < row ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < col ; y++)
                                table [x] [y] = new Button ();
                                table [x] [y].addMouseListener (this);
                                P.add (table [x] [y]);
                //these for loops set up the buttons and sets all the boolean arrays to = false
                add (P2, "North");
                add (P, "Center");
                P2.add (Bombs, "West");
                P2.add (P3, "North");
                P3.add (NG);
                P2.add (PB, "Center");
                PB.add (RestartE);
                PB.add (RestartM);
                PB.add (RestartH);
                Restart_Game (row, col, numbombs, row, col, sizex, sizey);

    public void Restart_Game (int row, int col, int numbombs, int prow, int pcol, int sizex, int sizey)
                //mBar.Restart (table, row, col);
                //mBar.SetupMenu ();
                setSize (sizex, sizey);
                gl.setRows (row);
                gl.setColumns (col);
                int count = 0;
                bombsremaining = numbombs;
                Bombs.setText (Integer.toString (bombsremaining));
                for (int x = 0 ; x < prow ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < pcol ; y++)
                                P.remove (table [x] [y]);
                for (int x = 0 ; x < row ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < col ; y++)

                                table [x] [y].setEnabled (true);
                                table [x] [y].setLabel ("");
                                table [x] [y].setBackground (Color.gray);
                                table [x] [y].setForeground (Color.white);
                                P.add (table [x] [y]);
                                bomb [x] [y] = false;
                                flag [x] [y] = false;
                                exposed [x] [y] = false;
                                checkwinbool [x] [y] = false;
                setSize (sizex, sizey);
                //adds the bombs to random places on the grid
                while (count < numbombs)
                    randx = (int) (Math.random () * (row));
                    randy = (int) (Math.random () * (col));
                    if (bomb [randx] [randy] == false)
                                bomb [randx] [randy] = true;
                                checkwinbool [randx] [randy] = true;

    public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
                int prow = 0, pcol = 0;
                if (e.getSource () == RestartE)
                    row = 10;
                    col = 10;
                    numbombs = 10;
                    sizex = 300;
                    sizey = 346;
                    if (Setup == 2)
                                prow = 16;
                                pcol = 16;
                                Setup = 1;
                    else if (Setup == 3)
                                prow = 16;
                                pcol = 30;
                                Setup = 1;
                if (e.getSource () == RestartM)
                    row = 16;
                    col = 16;
                    numbombs = 40;
                    sizex = 496;
                    sizey = 540;
                    if (Setup == 1)
                                prow = 10;
                                pcol = 10;
                                Setup = 2;
                    else if (Setup == 3)
                                prow = 16;
                                pcol = 30;
                                Setup = 2;
                if (e.getSource () == RestartH)
                    row = 16;
                    col = 30;
                    numbombs = 99;
                    sizex = 780;
                    sizey = 492;
                    if (Setup == 1)
                                prow = 10;
                                pcol = 10;
                                Setup = 3;
                    else if (Setup == 2)
                                prow = 16;
                                pcol = 16;
                                Setup = 3;
                if (e.getSource () == RestartE || e.getSource () == RestartM || e.getSource () == RestartH)
                    Restart_Game (row, col, numbombs, prow, pcol, sizex, sizey);
                boolean gameover = false;
                for (int x = 0 ; x < row ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < col ; y++)
                                if (e.getSource () == table [x] [y])
                                    if (e.getButton () == e.BUTTON1 && flag [x] [y] == false) //if left click, and there is no flag on the button
                                                if (bomb [x] [y] == true)  // if you you click on a bomb, results in game over
                                                    table [x] [y].setLabel ("*");
                                                    gameover ();
                                                    table [x] [y].setBackground (Color.black);
                                                    gameover = true;

                                                exposed [x] [y] = true;
                                                checkwinbool [x] [y] = true; // these set to true mean that the button has been clicked
                                                surbombs = Integer.toString (surroundingBombs (x, y)); //gets the number of surrounding buttons with bombs and sets it to a string so that it is possible to setLabel
                                                table [x] [y].setLabel (surbombs); // sets the label to be the number of bombs in the 8 surrounding buttons
                                                if (surroundingBombs (x, y) == 0)
                                                    check (x, y);          //calls a recursive method so that if a "0" is there the surrounding 8 buttins must be exposed and if one of those is "0" it too must be exposed and so on
                                    else if (e.getButton () == e.BUTTON3)  // if it is a right click
                                                if (flag [x] [y] == true) //if there is a flag already present set it so that there is no flag
                                                    table [x] [y].setLabel ("");
                                                    table [x] [y].setForeground (Color.white);
                                                    flag [x] [y] = false;
                                                    checkwinbool [x] [y] = false;
                                                else if (checkwinbool [x] [y] == false || bomb [x] [y] == true) //if there is no flag, set it so there is a flag
                                                    table [x] [y].setLabel ("|>");
                                                    table [x] [y].setForeground (Color.red);
                                                    flag [x] [y] = true;
                                                    checkwinbool [x] [y] = true;
                                                Bombs.setText (Integer.toString (bombsremaining));

                                    else if (e.getButton () == e.BUTTON2 && flag [x] [y] == false && checkwinbool [x] [y] == true && bomb [x] [y] == false) //if both left and right click at the same time
                                    { //only executes if there is no flag, it has been exposed, and no bomb
                                                if (flags (x, y) == surroundingBombs (x, y)) //checks that the number of flags around [x][y] = the number of bombs around [x][y]
                                                    for (int q = x - 1 ; q <= x + 1 ; q++)
                                                                for (int w = y - 1 ; w <= y + 1 ; w++)
                                                                    if (q < 0 || w < 0 || q >= row || w >= col) // makes sure that it wont have an error for buttons next to the wall
                                                                    if (bomb [q] [w] == false && flag [q] [w] == true) //if there is no bomb, but there is a flag its game over
                                                                                gameover ();
                                                                                gameover = true;
                                                    if (gameover == false)
                                                                expose (x, y);     //eposes the surrounding 8 buttons
                                                                check (x, y);      //checks if any of those are "0" and calls the recursive method
                                    if (gameover == false) //this just calls the method for changing the colours of the buttons if they have been clicked
                                                clicked ();

                checkwin ();

    public void clicked ()     //changes the color of the buttons and if [x][y] is "0" set the label to nothing
                for (int x = 0 ; x < row ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < col ; y++)
                                if (checkwinbool [x] [y] == true && flag [x] [y] == false && bomb [x] [y] == false)
                                    table [x] [y].setBackground (Color.darkGray);
                                if (flag [x] [y] == false && surroundingBombs (x, y) == 0)
                                    table [x] [y].setLabel ("");

    public int flags (int x, int y)  // get the number of surrounding flags
                int surFlags = 0;
                for (int q = x - 1 ; q <= x + 1 ; q++)
                    for (int w = y - 1 ; w <= y + 1 ; w++)
                                while (true)
                                    if (q < 0 || w < 0 || q >= row || w >= col) // makes sure that it wont have an error for buttons next to the wall

                                    if (flag [q] [w] == true)
                return surFlags;

    public int surroundingBombs (int x, int y)  // checks surrounding 8 squares for number of bombs (it does include itself, but has already been checked for a bomb so it won't matter)
                int surBombs = 0;
                for (int q = x - 1 ; q <= x + 1 ; q++)
                    for (int w = y - 1 ; w <= y + 1 ; w++)
                                while (true)
                                    if (q < 0 || w < 0 || q >= row || w >= col) // makes sure that it wont have an error for buttons next to the wall
                                    if (bomb [q] [w] == true)
                return surBombs;

    public void expose (int x, int y)  // exposes the surrounding 8 buttons
                String surrbombs;
                exposed [x] [y] = true;
                for (int q = x - 1 ; q <= x + 1 ; q++)
                    for (int w = y - 1 ; w <= y + 1 ; w++)
                                while (true)
                                    if (q < 0 || w < 0 || q >= row || w >= col) // makes sure that it wont have an error for buttons next to the wall
                                    if (flag [q] [w] == true)

                                    checkwinbool [q] [w] = true;
                                    surrbombs = Integer.toString (surroundingBombs (q, w));
                                    table [q] [w].setLabel (surrbombs);


    public void surr (int x, int y)  //this is what checks if a surrounding button has "0" is so expose it and check around the exposed buttons until there is no more "0"'s
                String surrbombs;
                for (int q = x - 1 ; q <= x + 1 ; q++)
                    for (int w = y - 1 ; w <= y + 1 ; w++)
                                while (true)
                                    if (q < 0 || w < 0 || q >= row || w >= col) // makes sure that it wont have an error for buttons next to the wall
                                    if (flag [q] [w] == true)
                                    if (exposed [q] [w] == false && surroundingBombs (q, w) == 0)
                                                expose (q, w);
                                                check (q, w);

    public void check (int x, int y)  //calls the surr method but is neccesary because of the expose first
                expose (x, y);
                surr (x, y);

    public void checkwin ()    //checks if all the button without bombs have been pressed
                boolean allexposed = true;
                for (int x = 0 ; x < row ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < col ; y++)
                                if (flag [x] [y] == true && bomb [x] [y] == false)
                                    allexposed = false;
                                if (checkwinbool [x] [y] == false)
                                    allexposed = false;
                if (allexposed != false)
                    gameover ();
                    int x2 = (int) col / 2;
                    int y2 = (int) row / 2;
                    table [y2] [x2 - 4].setLabel ("Y");
                    table [y2] [x2 - 3].setLabel ("O");
                    table [y2] [x2 - 2].setLabel ("U");
                    table [y2] [x2 - 1].setLabel ("");
                    table [y2] [x2].setLabel ("W");
                    table [y2] [x2 + 1].setLabel ("I");
                    table [y2] [x2 + 2].setLabel ("N");
                    table [y2] [x2 + 3].setLabel ("!");
                    table [y2] [x2 + 4].setLabel ("!");
                    for (int i = -4 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                                table [y2] [x2 + i].setBackground (Color.black);
                                table [y2] [x2 + i].setForeground (Color.white);

    public void gameover ()  // is called if bomb is clicked or on the double click if flag is not on a bomb
                for (int x = 0 ; x < row ; x++)
                    for (int y = 0 ; y < col ; y++)
                                if (bomb [x] [y] == true)
                                    table [x] [y].setLabel ("*"); //exposes all bombs
                                    table [x] [y].setBackground (Color.red);
                                table [x] [y].setEnabled (false); //disable all buttons
                int x2 = (int) col / 2;
                int y2 = (int) row / 2;
                table [y2] [x2 - 4].setLabel ("Y");
                table [y2] [x2 - 3].setLabel ("O");
                table [y2] [x2 - 2].setLabel ("U");
                table [y2] [x2 - 1].setLabel ("");
                table [y2] [x2].setLabel ("L");
                table [y2] [x2 + 1].setLabel ("O");
                table [y2] [x2 + 2].setLabel ("S");
                table [y2] [x2 + 3].setLabel ("E");
                table [y2] [x2 + 4].setLabel ("!");
                for (int i = -4 ; i < 5 ; i++)
                    table [y2] [x2 + i].setBackground (Color.black);
                    table [y2] [x2 + i].setForeground (Color.white);

    //These are not used but are necessary for mouseListener
    public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e)

    public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e)

    public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)

    public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)